Saturday, January 28, 2006

Royal Mail

Interesting article in The Times this saturday (28-Jan-06).

Residents who live in a rural village in Wales are having the postal delivery service stopped. A man with a clip-board and a day-glo jacket has deemed that the health & safety risks he identified could lead to possible "fatalities".

A particular nasty country-style could lead a fit young postie to struggle. This means that a 79-year old Royal Mail customer with a heart pacemaker now has to use the same lethal style to get the nearest town to grab his mail. The old man can, however, use the Victorian postbox next to his house to send stuff.

After over 100 years of a regular postal delivery, the H&S man has decided that Pat can collect the letters, just not deliver them.

The wall above my kettle in the kitchen is covered in generic corn flakes. When I read the article in "The Times" I spat them out to the tune of "b*****ks!".

Read the full article here.

Lack of Common Sense Rating: 10.0

The image & original article are both copyright 2006 The Times / News International. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, January 27, 2006

One rule for one....

Why is it that the banks tells us to ignore emails asking for us to tell them our account details, secret question answers and other personal details, but get p***ed off when they telephone you out the blue and you refuse to answer their verification questions?

It's happened a lot recently and it annoys them when you say they could be anyone.

Lack of Common Sense Rating 5.0
Only cos it's fun f**king with the heads of call-centre staff.

The Health & Safety epidemic continues

The lack of common sense and the shield of policy never ceases to amaze me.

I manage a team. Being in IT (shut up) we're shoved out the way by the kitchen with the only working microwave in the building. The kitchen isn't ventilated and has no windows. Between 11am and 3pm out lives are hell. The food smells are diabolical.

I shut the door and asked people to keep it shut because of the stinks. Everyone was fine with that.

Then H(don't call us personnel, we're more than that)R gets involved. Someone might open the door onto someone else causing injury or causing spillage. Therefore "due to reasons of health and safety" if we close the door we're for it.

I did try to point out that:

1.0 Most people have doors at home and are able to use them without braining someone
2.0 The kitchen is next to fire doors, soif people can open and get through them okay why not the kitchen door
3.0 There's a fecking huge window in the door to see who is behind it

No avail. I feel a nut allergy coming on....

Lack of Common Sense Rating 8.0
Only because I'm not permanent yet and they might find this site.

The banks are killing coppers now!

Read this:

We're sorry you can't have a new bank card because you're dead. Have a nice day.

Lack of common sense rating: 10.0


I used to pay Tiscali £8.99 a month for unlimited 01 and 02 calls. 07, 08 ,09 etc calls are chargeable. I stopped Tiscali month's ago and went back to BT.

Every month I get a Tiscali bill with the subscription costs the only item.

Every month I call them with this piece of simple logic.

There have been no call charges for month's.

Every month I call them to remind them I have cancelled the account

They say I haven't

I ask if 0870 number's should appear on the bill regardless of call duration.

They say they should.

I ask if I have been charged for any calls recently

They say I haven't.

I point out that if I was still using their services the 0870 call to them about the bill would appear on the bill...

QED to you and me.

Not to them.

Their policies do not cover this type of thing apparently.

Lack of Common Sense Rating: 10.0

Family Tax Credit

Me and the ex-wife had letters from the Revenue this week demanding £800 back in two weeks time they overpaid or else.

They reckon that for a year they overpaid us the money we hadn't applied for and they wanted it back.

The revenue mis-entered 2004 as 2003, so their system thinks that they overpaid us. The computer says 2003 and computers don't make mistakes.

The ex- then pointed out that we cancelled the FTC as a couple on 31st October and she started it as a single mum on 1st November. Why would she wait a year and a day to re-apply? And why would the same adviser wait a year and a day to handle both claims?

We have been asked to raise an appeal which will got to an independent tribunal, at tax-payers cost, as the Revenue don't have a policy for apparent (nothing admitted yet) mistakes.

So an independent panel of at least three people at considerable cost will decide what's to happen.

Lack of Common Sense Rating: 9.0
Only 9.0 as the adviser themselves said "this is stupid, isn't it?"

Why "your call is important to us & other stories" ?

Cos when you hear this you know that you can go and put the kettle on and do Saturday's Killer Su Doku from The Times.

Cos when you hear this you know whoever you have called is raking in the money having you on hold on the premium 0870 number they have you dial when they f**k-up.

Cos when you eventually get through you know there wil have been no joined up thinking and the last person you spoke to wanted a fag so didn't update your call record properly and what was agreed is lost and it will cost you money.

Cos you know that in the call-centre, manage by comittee, control by policy, screw the customer world we live in they lose site of their reason for being there: you.

I'm going to use this site to highlight all this big business crappola and why British business has lost common sense...

Have you ever wondered why you can't use a paper-knife in the office?

Have you ever wondered why you can't close the kitchen door in the office?

Have you ever wondered why your have to do a Risk Assessment to move your monitor six inches to the left out of the sunlight?

I'll tell you why. It is because you are stupid and cannot be trusted to your own devices.

So there you have it. This blog is to discuss why the little man in the UK is screwed by big business and why we aren't allowed to have common sense without a policy and risk assesment.

Oh, I ain't Columbo or owt but one more thing....if I don't quite get the wording right, take my word for it: my bits are all just my opinion and not a statement of fact. I'm not trying to slander people just vent my spleen.

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