Friday, January 27, 2006

Family Tax Credit

Me and the ex-wife had letters from the Revenue this week demanding £800 back in two weeks time they overpaid or else.

They reckon that for a year they overpaid us the money we hadn't applied for and they wanted it back.

The revenue mis-entered 2004 as 2003, so their system thinks that they overpaid us. The computer says 2003 and computers don't make mistakes.

The ex- then pointed out that we cancelled the FTC as a couple on 31st October and she started it as a single mum on 1st November. Why would she wait a year and a day to re-apply? And why would the same adviser wait a year and a day to handle both claims?

We have been asked to raise an appeal which will got to an independent tribunal, at tax-payers cost, as the Revenue don't have a policy for apparent (nothing admitted yet) mistakes.

So an independent panel of at least three people at considerable cost will decide what's to happen.

Lack of Common Sense Rating: 9.0
Only 9.0 as the adviser themselves said "this is stupid, isn't it?"

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