Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm with Boris

Something happened in the week that beggars believe and just shows you how the UK has it's priorities messed up...and that Boris has a point

I live in a row of terrace houses and my neighbours and I share a driveway. Our houses are on the route from the Co-Op to the estate. As me and a neighbour happened to leave for work at the same time we spotted a bunch of flowers that looked like it had been dropped on the way home form the shops.

I suggested she take them into the house and shove them in water. Being old school, she said she'd leave them by the wall and then whoever had lost them had a chance to find them. If they were still there when she got home then she would take them in.

When she got home there wasn't her bunch of flowers...oh no...there were around 12. With cards saying 'Sorry for you loss', 'With deepest sympathy' and so on. Even though we live in the middle of a village where a thing like a road traffic accident might have been noticed, people took it upon themselves to lay flowers.

Up the road in the OAP bungalows last winter, an old dear was only found when the paperboy moaned to his boss that he couldn't get to the door for milkbottles. Is it me or the world f***ed?

Oh and with the flowers...something else happened involving the local constabulary but they came back to apologise so that's staying secret...(lol...didn't tell them PC W, you're safe!!!!)

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